Futsal Tournament Series
Welcome to our official Futsal Tournament Series complete with Live scores/standings, balanced brackets, pool play & certified referees. Open to any competitive or recreational Boys & Girls.
3 Game Guarantee
Matches are 20 minute halves with 2 minute intermission. 1 referee per game.Boys & Girls Divisions
2014/2013 - 2012/2011- 2010/2009 - HS Div
Game Dates
Saturday, June 10, 2023 through
Saturday, July 1, 2023
Game Times
Saturday/Sunday 8am-7pm
(Alternate Days: Thurs/Friday)
Tournament Costs/Fees
Summer '23 = $50/player
Referee Fee - $10/team per gameApplications & Registration Deadlines
Application Deadline: Jun 7, 2023
Individual Reg Completed: Jun 8, 2023Schedule Posted By: Jun 9, 2023
*Any games needing to be rescheduled will play on alternate days. Sunday or any avail weeknight.League Contact
Phone: 559.492.0401
Email: play@futsalunderground.comREGISTRATION INSTRUCTIONS:
- COACHES/MANAGERS: submit desired days/times by clicking Team Registration
- PLAYERS: Wait for Coach/Manager to send an individula player registration link
- Must be part of a complete team to register or join our Player Pool to be placed on a team
- Individual player completes online Registration Form for the appropriate division.
- Enter TEAM NAME at registration when asked. Ensure to provide coach contact info.
- If seeking to be placed on a team, enter PLAYER POOL,
- Limited to (8) teams on a first-served basis.
- Divisions selected on highest level of interest.
- Roster size is limited to 10 players and is automatically submitted at registration with a signed waiver.
- Full roster, waiver completion, and payment are mandatory before the first game. During the opening game of Tournament we will check-in all teams for roster/waiver approval.
- Schedules will be created and sent to teams within the next few days following the close of registration.
*Any player that has not paid in full before their first game will be assessed a $25 late fee, and not be allowed to play until registration is complete.
Stay fit, be a hit!